testimonial | non-fiction

Red Panda x Jotform Case Study Video

here's what i did on this one

DP / Producer


the client & outline

One of our favorite marketing efforts at Jotform is creating case study videos, showcasing how our users use the product to make their business run more efficiently. Red Panda, a guitar pedal manufacturer in Detroit, MI lent us some awesome visuals, and some interesting use cases!

my contribution

This was my maiden voyage into producing! I handled some of the communications with Curt, and acted as a director, handling the interview setup, and overseeing the shooting of b-roll. In post, I also did the edit.

my favorite part

For those who know me, music, especially alternative/indie rock, is a huge passion of mine. Simply because of the topic, just being able to produce this project was awesome for me because it was so interesting to learn about Red Panda and what they do. I had so much fun editing this one together, especially the opening sequence set to the guitar riffs, and the artist program mention. Absolute dream case study!

lessons learned

Towards the end of this video, I struggled to cover the interview cuts, as Curt's parting words were not perfectly succint in capture. Having to find and reuse b-roll to cut back to at the end was a bit of a pain, and doesn't look quite as polished as I would have liked. This taught me that especially as a producer, I need to pay close attention to what we're getting in capture, and thinking ahead to the edit as we're interviewing!